With the lively celebration of the Holy Eucharist presided by Fr. Francisco Javier (Frank) Hernandez Beltran, CMF of USA-Canada Province, together with the rest of the ordained Claretian Missionaries, the youth, and the members of the Claretian Family, with the presence of Msgr. Rubén Antonio González Medina, CMF, Bishop of Ponce, the post-WYD in Claretian Family concluded.
Fr. Frank encouraged the Claretian Family, especially the youth, to follow what Pope Francis said during these days of his visit to Panama and to put into concrete what has been taught and learned in this WYD. The live video of the celebration is available on the Facebook Page of the Claretian Family.
Before the final blessing, as customary these past days, some youth shared their testimony and experiences during these days in Claretian Family and the WYD.
After the Mass, a cultural presentation followed, then lunch, then the family started to move on for the next journey in life.
We are greatful to the Claretian Family of Centroamerica for the hospitality, the preparations, and the hard work to make this wonderful dream, the dream of God come true. Thank you and God bless.
“Colorin colorao el encuentro ya está acabao”.