We welcome you on this page with joy!
Here you will find an assortment of resources that the Claretian Family (FC) coordinating team has prepared with great enthusiasm over the past year and a half. For you!
We have created this material with the purpose of facilitating fraternal meeting spaces in FC, in the style of Claret: “doing with others”. This year we have focused on working on the common features that unite us as FC. We want them to help you create family, celebrate … to deepen your knowledge of the different branches of the FC and your own identity.
We encourage you to look around the other branches of the FC to celebrate together the Feast of San Antonio María Claret. Yes … prepare a fraternal meeting to meet, share, celebrate … to make way of communion.
The proposed material is designed to be used flexibly, it will be useful for a whole day or a space to share after the Eucharist or common prayer …
We also encourage you to create family by sharing images of your encounter, sending us some news, testimony and also the result of the works proposed here. We will publish it and we will echo those received during the months of October and November on this website. This sharing will help us delve into mutual knowledge and prepare for the next FC meeting in 2021.
You can get in touch through the email
Thanks and enjoy it
Workshop – 2019
This year, we want to celebrate St. Claret feast as a family as the reality of each place allows it, for this reason we have prepared a series of materials with great care and enthusiasm.
We will try to explain each of the materials we are offering you so you can think and organize meetings according to different realities. But we invite you to be dreamers, like Father Claret. Large families, like ours, find many difficulties to come together and celebrate, because we are many and we have different ways of life, but we are going to celebrate the feast of our Patron Saint… the gift we have received deserves the effort.
Ideally, we should try and meet all the claretian groups that are present in one place and celebrate by sharing our way of life. There will be places where a full day meeting can be held, how lucky! Others can meet a whole afternoon whilst others will have a very short time… it doesn’t matter, the most important thing is the will and generosity to share in Family as long as you can.
These materials will help to be able to enjoy a full day meeting, sharing the different ways of life we find in our family, knowing the different groups that form it… In case this is not feasible in your place, you can make a selection of those materials that best fit your reality, for the time you require and for the type of your activity.

Working guide

Celebration of the Fiest


Claret. 2030

If the Claretian Family were a person…