The Claretian family speaking of “shared mission” expresses, above all, the awareness of participation in the only mission-that of Jesus-that has been entrusted to the Church: to be signs of the love of the father and instruments for the gift of life to reach its fullness in the person As and the peoples. From a broader horizon, he expresses the awareness of participation in the mission that the father entrusted to humanity from the beginning of history: to take care of creation and to build a fraternal and solidarity story.
What is the mission of the Claretian Family?
Multiple actions, a single charisma
When we speak of “shared mission” in the Claretian family, we want to express, above all, the awareness of participation in the only mission, that of Jesus, the envoy of the Father, who has been entrusted to the Church: to be signs of the love of the father and instruments for the gift Of life reaches its fullness in people and peoples.
From a broader horizon, he expresses the awareness of participation in the mission that the father entrusted to humanity from the beginning of history: to take care of creation and to build a fraternal and solidarity story. It is a mission, which we share with all the disciples of Jesus and with all the men and women who struggle to build a story according to the father’s plan.
We join this mission by providing a specific gift that God has given us through San Antonio m ª Claret and that, in turn, we share the various institutions inspired by their spiritual, missionary and apostolic experience, with a participatory style, authentically Community and dialogue.
In the shared mission we want to unite complementaryly our charismatic gifts so as to bring to the world today the message of Jesus, the announcement of the good news in the whole evangelizing task.
We want to be open also to communion with other people who have received a variety of charisms within the church and have various ministries in it, seeking the most effective ways to put the gift received in the service of others.
The shared mission must be explicit and concrete in charismatic communion, within the peculiar characteristics of each group. In this way, we offer to the church the gift that it recognizes to us, being a space of charismatic relations more and more fraternal, more solidarity, purely evangelical and on the way to the communion that the Lord asks us in order that we all be one in him to That the world creates (Jn 17.21). The ideal is to make our life a shared mission a living parable in the service of the kingdom.
In the family Claretian the process of assimilation of the need to carry out the mission in a shared way we have been acquiring in a slow but intense way, through apostolic and fraternal experiences, courses and workshops, whose documents have gone Illuminating the walk towards a better understanding of the shared mission.
If we take a global look at this process, we see that it has not only come to a new style of work, but to a real change of mindset: to grow in Claretian fraternity, in the spirit of the family, as brothers, each with its differences and values. The shared mission is born in a spontaneous way when the awareness that we are family grows and that from the work of each one we feel united to the difficulties and the joys of others. From the communion of life will arise the desire to share the mission and reach concrete projects and actions. This implies implications for the life of each institution and an effort to translate into some common projects our shared mission ideal.
We have the peculiarity of being a family whose members are born in different historical moments, with Charismas that enrich the church and are inserted in realities sometimes very different. We want to seek a communion that integrates the various ways in which each institution lives this apostolic gift. We cannot face the future in dispersion, we need to live together the adventure of the spirit and in the follow-up of Jesus and to communicate the experiences of the gospel, learning to love that of others as his own.
The spirit with its creativity leads us to exercise ours to seek together the new frontiers of the Mission in our time and to put into practice the expression of our varied service of the word, according to our own charisms and the needs of Every time and place. In this way the same communion becomes a sign and a testimony of the Kingdom of God.
The members of the Claretian family (CF) feel urged to go out to meet the young people to share with them the joy that gives us the good news of Jesus.
The young people, with their diverse cultures and realities, evangelize and at the same time challenge our pastoral action, the way we are with them and our lifestyle. It is the opportune time to rethink our pastoral practices. We need to train to listen to them, to accompany them and to meet the poorest, marginalized, excluded and away from the faith. We want them to become mission actors as well. We need new evangelizers for the pastoral work of young people and vocations with Claretian imprint.
Training of animators
We are aware of the need to strengthen the theological, ecclesial and pastoral foundations of formation of those who wish to perform or want to do a work in missionary animation. It is for this reason that several Claretian initiatives arise, aimed at the adults and young people who wish to delve into the fundamental questions of the mission and, especially, those who feel called to be missionary animators, that is to say, pastoral agents Committed to promoting the missionary awareness of their community and in organizing cooperation with the universal evangelizing work of the church.
JMJ in Claretian family
Nuestra participación en las Jornadas Mundiales de la Juventud (JMJ) viene de atrás. Algunos grupos habían participado en ediciones anteriores, y para la JMJ de Colonia (Alemania) en el año 2005, ya hubo cierta coordinación y encuentro entre grupos de la órbita claretiana. Pero es la JMJ de Madrid 2011, la que catapulta este evento y lo convierte en el gran acontecimiento para los jóvenes de la FC. Permite aprovechar las dimensiones de un evento como la JMJ para que los jóvenes vivan una experiencia de Iglesia, de catolicidad, y para hacerlo de forma carismática, celebrando en común el don recibido. ¡SOMOS LA VIÑA JOVEN… QUE ARDE EN CARIDAD!
Other meetings
Our participation in the World Youth Day (WYD) comes from behind. Some groups had participated in previous editions, and for the wyd of Cologne (Germany) in the year 2005, there was already some coordination and encounter between groups of the Claretian orbit. But it is the wyd of Madrid 2011, which catapults this event and makes it the big event for the youth of the FC. It allows to take advantage of the dimensions of an event like the wyd for the young people to live an experience of church, of Catholicity, and to do it in a charismatic way, celebrating in common the gift received. We are the young vine… That burns in charity! The awareness of the call to do with others, to do together, impels us to be continually devising new ways and spaces for the meeting of young people, both in the Claretian family itself, and with other ecclesial groups we are Church! The way of St. James, the Cruzencuentros, etc., make it possible to meet with the god of life, with the god of history, with the God who loves each one of us in an unrepeatable way, but who wants us united, walking together and being a witness of love in our world. We’re not going alone!
Our charisma asks us to bet on a society more “in the style of the Kingdom”, therefore, the educational mission takes a special relevance in that direction when it is done from an evangelizing and missionary consciousness. From the different educational institutions (formal and non-formal) the members of the Claretian family collaborate to imbue all the growth processes in children, young people and even adults of Christian values. Many of our members are part of cloisters in Claretians educational centers, privileged place to share dreams and processes, or develop their working life in other institutions where we do our job feeling sent by the Charismatic community.
Educators Congress
An exceptional moment to share mission are the international congresses of Claretians Educators, moments of meeting of people from the different branches of the FC who live their vocation in the educational field. It is days to rethink our actions in the light of the word and, together, propose itineraries that continue to make schools, institutes, universities… places to meet the God of life and the proposal that this has for each person and the whole society.

Interprovincial Commission of Schools (CIC)
At the European level, CIC operates as a place of co-responsibility among all those organizations that have schools or educational centres: Claretians missionaries, missionary Claretian and missionaries of the Claretian institution. This platform organises, dynamizes and evaluates the training processes in schools, as well as everything that is appropriate for a greater qualification of our evangelizing proposal in education, so that it is an effective and missionary response to the Signs of the Times and challenges of our society.
Solidarity and mission
The commitment to justice and peace is not an accessory in the Claretian family; Arises from the very womb of our charism. To be fair is to realize God’s dream about our life and justice is that the whole of humanity responds to the dream of its creator… And God dreams that we all be brothers and the whole humanity enjoys the goods of the earth as it walks toward the eternal goods.
Justice and Peace in Claretian Family
The awareness of the need for a joint activity in the work for justice, peace and the integrity of Creation (JPIC) has been growing in recent years. The VIII General Assembly of the Claretian family, held in Bata (Equatorial Guinea) in 2013, consolidated and clarifieded This awareness and was the starting point of a common project in which the interwoven networks between all branches are the support and foundation , and it’s growing year by year.
SOS Claretian Family

SOS Familia Claretian, is a specific fund created at the beginning of 2018 for emergencies and natural disasters, to better coordinate our solidarity and the generosity of our benefactors, friends, and collaborators, to give affective and effective response, Agreement with our possibilities and means, to minimize the wave of death, suffering and all kinds of losses.
Claretian foundations and NGOs
Do you want to collaborate? Paul VI says that “the duty of solidarity of people is also that of peoples. “The already developed peoples have a serious obligation to help developing countries” and also “these efforts, in order to achieve their full effectiveness, should not remain scattered or isolated, and even less opposed for reasons of prestige or power: the Situation requires concerted programmes. ” In this line, there are several foundations and NGO Claretian that have been appearing to give an associated response and be a channel for development and awareness.
Other Initiatives
Since January 2018, the Claretian family has joined the proposal that went from the General government of the Claretians missionaries with the name: “Claret-Life Awards”, to encourage Claretian initiatives aimed at defending and caring for life. This initiative will also be a concrete expression of the desire to work charismatically together the various members of our religious families, secular institutes and lay movements that we form the Claretian family. If you are part of the Claretian family and want to opt for the prize, check the bases: