Dear Claretian family!!!! We begin the IV Congress of Claretian Educators, with the great challenge of holding it online. Following the dream of Pope Francis, of “committing ourselves to a global educational pact”, this congress has reached every country, every reality and every educational centre. It is the same spirit, the same fire that animated St. Anthony Mary Claret that summons us, unites us and motivates us to look for travelling companions on the path of education by establishing an alliance between all and a continuous commitment to formation. The different cultures, languages and possibilities enrich us and open us to interconnection.
We get on the same Claretian train together and with enthusiasm we set out on the journey, so that we may continue to deepen the essence of the Claretian identity. The congress, coordinated by Artur Teixeira, cmf, Priscilla Latela, rmi prefect general of apostolate, and María Gracia García (Mimi), mic superior general, counts on a work team, with simultaneous translation into 4 languages and with the contribution of facilitators, speakers, workshop leaders and diverse animations of the spaces of prayer, on the part of different educational realities.
This first day we set the logistics in motion, shared feelings, expectations and some “good practices” of our schools that motivate and enrich us all.
Tomorrow we will go through the current educational situation:
The Covid “tsunami” and its effects. The Claretian “replica” in our educational centres.
Among the echoes: gratitude to God for being part of the Claretian Family.
Excitement for the road travelled… a real feeling that we have a history as a family and that together we can do more and better.
Joy in seeing familiar faces and openness to new ones.
Enchantment in seeing the Good Practices.