Who we are
A son of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
He’s a man who burns in charity
and open up where it goes.
You want effectively
and strives by all means
Ignite all men in the fire of divine Love.
Nada le daunts; It is enjoyed in deprivations; Tackles the work;
embraces sacrifices; He is pleased with slander;
He rejoices in the torments and sorrows he suffers
And he glories in the Cross of Jesus Christ.
He does not think but how he will follow and imitate Christ in praying,
In working, in suffering,
In always and only to procure
The Greatest glory of God
And the salvation of men.
We have a peculiar lifestyle: God makes us burn in charity to him and to his neighbor. He has given us the gift of following Christ and proclaiming the Gospel by going the whole world.
Our way is to be disciples of Jesus, because as he seeks the glory of God and the salvation of men praying, working and suffering. We assume the way of life of Jesus and the Virgin Mary: in poverty, chastity and obedience.
Our mission in the world is to ignite everyone in the fire of God’s love. Our mission feeds on the word of God and the Eucharist, and radiates in the world under the sign of mercy and tenderness, which we learn in the heart of Mary.
It is directed primarily at those who are excluded from the love of others and suffer the consequences of the injustice of this world.
Where are we
We live in a family. Our congregation was raised by the Holy Spirit in the Church two centuries ago through San Antonio m ª Claret. Some of us are priests and other laity, from very different countries and diverse cultures, but all brothers.