Declares Saint Anthony Mary Claret as Patron of the Catechesis in Cuba

The Conference of Catholic Bishops of Cuba, in their 41st Assembly held on May 1980, “declares Saint Anthony Mary Claret as patron of the Catechesis in Cuba”,

For this reason, on October 21st, before the feast of St. Anthony Mary Claret: Missionary Bishop and Catechist, the Diocesan Commissions of Missions and Catechesis jointly prepared the CELEBRATION OF SENDING of the Catechists and Missionaries of the Diocese.

We celebrate it simultaneously in two places of the Archdiocese: Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary in Palma Soriano, for the areas of Baire, Songo- La Maya, Contramestre, San Luis and Palma, and in the Parish of Santa Teresita, (Santiago) for the parishes of the city and neighbourhoods; all places marked by the footprints of Claret.

In the celebration we highlight the moment of welcoming to each of the parishes, with songs and joy. The opening prayer put us in an atmosphere of availability to the Spirit, followed by the presentation of St. Anthony Mary Claret, Missionary Bishop and Catechist followed by a brief sharing on what the life and work of this Holy Archbishop of Santiago de Cuba tells us today, what he teaches us and how he animates us.

Then we enter the temple processionally for the celebration of the Word and with a solemn “imposition of hands”, a blessing of the present priests of sending to this important mission of catechesis that the Church entrusts to us.

The participation has been numerous and the celebration lived with enthusiasm and joy.

María Soledad Galerón,
Santiago de Cuba