Who we are
We are laymen who manifest our adherence to Christ under the lifestyle and spirit of St. Anthony M ª Claret and, together with the institutes founded by him, to form the Claretian family.
The options of principle that inspire our ecclesial commitment and orient, as permanent attitudes, all our actions are:
- The full insertion in the world;
- Professional competence, which qualifies our service to others;
- The commitment to the cause of the poor and the action in favour of justice;
- The incarnation in the local church and the collaboration to be born and grow uncultured;
- The promotion of a more communitarian and participative church model in which all the faithful can fully develop the responsibilities and demands of their own ecclesial mission;
- Employment by multiplying the agents of evangelization;
- Missionary evangelization that keeps us always attentive and available for what is most urgent and necessary in our service to the cause of the Kingdom of God.
We want to offer our movement as a possibility of living faith in community or community group, from our conviction to be an appropriate means to realize the Gospel of Jesus.
From our lay vocation, embedded in the realities of the world, we work for the evangelization of society and the Service of the construction of the Kingdom of God from the local church
We share the same spirit of the Universal Church from its missionary disposition. We put ourselves under the protection of the heart of Mary, giving personal testimony in the family and our trades and works. Our identity, mission and spirituality are framed in our ideas.
Our secular vocation is given by the style of life of Claret and identified by this gift with Christ missionary, we continue as lay the evangelizing mission of the church.
Where are we
We are currently about 1200 lay Claretians, who make up about 110 groups or communities spread across 4 continents: North and South America, Africa, Europe and Asia. We are present in about 30 countries.
For better coordination among the geographically close groups, we are organized in 8 regions: Bolivia, Brazil, Caribbean, Colombia, Venezuela, north Spain, Bética (south Spain), and Nigeria. There are also some 32 groups that do not have a region and are accompanied by a delegate from the General Council.