Who we are
Indigenous African female religious congregation, formerly "mission assistants" and now "Missionaries of Mary Immaculate" is not just history in the evangelization of Africa. It is a missionary presence, current, lively, dynamic.
The place where the Holy founder made his catechumenate and was baptized, is now a missionary center of evangelization with his college-boarding school and his novitiate of religious life, where young aspiring missionaries receive the necessary training.
We are distinguished by our humility, simplicity, spirit of sacrifice and selflessness, as our founders.
We orient our Apostolic option to the poorest and most marginalized, to the social promission of African women and women from other latitudes, helping them to emerge from situations of marginalization. Our guiding criteria are of missionary type, we always seek to offer the best service to the church and to the interests of evangelization.
Where are we
Our mission is currently focused in Africa, focusing on the countries of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Nigeria, and soon in Congo.