Who we are
We are a religious congregation initiated by the Claretian Lluis Pujol and M dolors Solà in Vic on May 28, 1951; And as missionaries we are sent to evangelize, that is to say, to bring the joyful announcement of the good news of Jesus and His kingdom where it is needed most , sharing the hopes and joys, the worries and anxieties of men, especially the poor.
Therefore, in the Apostolic mission of evangelization we make our desire of Fr. Claret: To know God and to make him know, to love God and to make him love, to serve God and to make him serve, to praise God and to make him praise. By all means and with an open and simple attitude going out to meet the brothers and welcoming everyone, sharing cultural and religious values.
With and as Mary, we want to be women of life, of prayer and inner silence, carefully keeping the word in the heart.
Our communities are called to express and be in fraternal life signs of the kingdom, being close, welcoming and open offering spaces of encounter, dialogue, celebration… In an environment of acceptance, esteem and personal valuation.
We feel called to be signs of the solidarity and tenderness of God in the likeness of Jesus
Where are we
"With a life raised to God as the vertical tracing of the cross, and as the crossbar elongates the arms of his love to all people" (P. Luis Pujol CMF)