Ir. Dulcinéa Ribeiro de Almeida – Superior General. Ir.Maria de Fátima Naves – Training Area – Vicar General. Ir.Neiva Maria Fiorentin – Religious Life Area. Ir.Zenaide Teodoro da Silva – Area of Charism. Ir.Maria do Carmo Duarte– Mission Area. Ir. Mariza Rosseto – General Secretary. Ir.Odeth Bueno– Bursar
Who we are
We, Missionaries of St. Anthony Mary Claret, are called to the full configuration with Jesus Missionary of the Father and Redeemer of humanity. Following in their footsteps we communicate the mystery of Redemption to all peoples.
Mother Leonia Milito and Bishop Geraldo Fernandes, who were bearers of this missionary charism in the Church, inflamed with apostolic zeal, have taken our Congregation from Londrina, Brazil, to the world. Today this mission is carried forward by the sisters who, with kindness and joy, continue the Congregation and missionary project of the Founders in 18 countries of the 5 continents.
Universal missionaries, who sprout from the Eucharist and from the heart of Mary
Announcement of the word and service of charity with the poorest people according to the works of mercy.
Where are we
We are currently in the five continents, with special presence in Asia, Europe and Latin America, the latter because it was the birthplace of our congregation.